Stress in Summer – What a Bummer!
Summer is SUPPOSED to be FUN! Right?! That’s what we all plan for.
From our early childhood, most of us couldn’t wait for school to be over. Then we could do all the fun activities we wanted to do, and not the things we HAD to do, especially studying, tests and exams, and being in bed at a particular time.
My memories as a kid included bicycling daily, going to the lake to fish and swim, hanging out with friends, and reading all the fiction I could get my hands on.
Remember those days? What did you look forward to every summer – where you could almost predict the weather and how your days would unfold?
Now, here we are as adults. We definitely do things differently in the summer. Our activities revolve around being outside and using the longer daylight hours. And of course, most of us are all about enjoying the sun and the warm, balmy weather.
But we seem to now be living with extremes, which can bring on a lot of unexpected mental and physical stress.
Because of the heat and wind, many are dealing with uncontrolled fires that create havoc, cause loss of homes, and result in losing a sense of well-being. I know that many areas of Canada and the United States are experiencing all that and much more because of fires and drought.
All that smoke affects the quality of air and our breathing. Instead of enjoying being outside, people are forced to stay indoors. Many people are having major respiratory issues show up. Other health issues create the need for medical intervention.
On the other side, many areas are experiencing intense rain. The weather is taxing their infrastructures – properties are flooded, roads are torn apart, and water systems are failing. Because of drainage and flooding issues, people are forced to boil water until the water systems are repaired.
Yep. Mother Nature is demonstrating that we have absolutely no control over our regular summer routines or the special activities and trips we have put into our calendars.
So, why my dissertation about Mother Nature and our hopes and plans for ‘normal’ weather to enjoy our summer?
Did you plan a fun adventure for yourself or your family but it got disrupted because where you were going is no longer feasible, or unforeseen weather events have occurred in or near your home that are thwarting your plans?
You may very well be experiencing the stress of figuring out how to deal with it all, what options you might have, or how to look after yourself and your family.
To support your mental, emotional, and physical stress, it is essential to help your body FEEL at ease and calm, to have your body experience expansive inhale and exhale, full vitality, and the ability to go with the flow no matter what is happening in your world.
What your body wants more than anything is the ability to be prepared for whatever you’re going to ask it to do and be prepared for whatever might come towards it. That could be physical or mental or emotional.
We don’t plan on experiencing stress, but we live in a world where stress exists, and when your routines and plans are impacted or blown up, they CAN be stress-inducing.
So, here is the key. YOU can help your body feel prepared, cared for, healthy, and vital no matter what happens around you.
Spend time each day balancing your energy by doing:
- self-help acupressure
- meditating
- breath exercises
- doing yoga or Qi Gong
- walking
- gardening
- forest bathing
- beach exploring
Do what you can do under your circumstances. When you can, create physical experiences as you discover or rediscover the beautiful places you can visit and enjoy near where you live.
And if you have plans and maybe even a vacation that just got reconfigured because Mother Nature or something crazy took place, just recognize that YOU can help your body avoid the consequences of stress.
Instead, help your body recognize that change does not mean there is a space for anxiousness to be created.
Here are some self-help acupressure tips I’ve been using for myself for the last few days.
I’m one of those folks having to accept that we need to change our plans. Our family camping vacation is now being redefined because of fires in Northern California. And, as I’m doing my energy flows, I’m also sending ease and calm and balancing flows to those who have been impacted by the traumatic experiences they’re going through.
You can do the same by using the following simple energy tips. Use your fingertips and hold the suggested acupressure points with a very light, gentle touch as you do them. And remember, there is no wrong because there is no right.
- The Daily Clean Your House Flow™. Doing the Daily Flow brings me balance and a firm foundation for my physical, mental, and emotional well-being. (If you don’t know the Daily Flow, you can get it here).
- Jumper Cables. It’s the 9th step of the Daily Clean Your House Flow. My body immediately experiences deeper breathing and brings calmness as my body says, “You don’t need to go to worry, fear, frustration, sadness, or trying too hard or too much. In fact, your body doesn’t want to live in any of those spaces.”
- Cup your sternum under the collarbone and hold your other hand on your tummy. This simple energy hold brings breath and calm and lubricates all your tissues, including your throat, sinuses, eyes, and ears, as well as your muscles, ligaments, and tendons. This simple energy tip will help with shortness of breath and dry throat.
- Hold the base of your skull and the outside of the wrist to connect with the entire nervous system. It will bring calm, the ability to connect with focus and clarity and let go of any anxiousness. It looks like this:
Right hand – hold the right base of the skull
Left hand – hold outside of right wrist on little finger side - And use your Thermostat Controller if you need to cool down!
Hold the outside of your knees. This is how you can regulate your body temperature. It’s also an anti- inflammatory point. So, it’s a great energy point to have in your “remember to do this off and on throughout the day”.
I wish for you a fun-filled and safe summer, whether it’s planned or spontaneous. Stay stress-free and remember to GO WITH THE FLOW!
Allergy Symptoms Affecting YOU?
Allergy Symptoms Getting You Down?
If so, you are not the only one! This year, more than ever, the symptoms of allergies are running rampant. Allergies are patterns that your body has developed in reaction to allergens. And this year, the allergens from grasses, weeds, and tree pollen are showing up in a big way after all that winter rain followed by heat and then more rain.
Allergies are reactions to allergens when your immune system is compromised. So, boost your immune system, and you will help your body get on the other side of the pattern of reactions.
If you are dealing with any of these symptoms, you are most likely in an allergy pattern:
- Sinus congestion
- Sneezing
- Headaches
- Itchy water eyes
- Itchy throat
- A stuffy or runny nose
There are ways to reduce the misery of seasonal allergies and help your body reach a healthier, happier state of being. And, when you accomplish getting beyond misery and suffering, you’ll discover that you feel stronger and have more vitality, that your sleep has improved, and that your productivity has increased. One way to enjoy the spring colors and scents more is by using self-help acupressure!
3 Ways to Improve Your Relationship with Mother Nature!
Hydration! Drink lots of water!
Allergies dry out our systems. It’s essential to hydrate your body. Avoiding dehydration will boost your immune system and help maintain normal histamine levels. Read more about it in this article from,
Lubricate your body adequately with suitable fluids, including electrolytes, and all layers and levels of your body will notice the difference. Your physical, mental, emotional, and energetic levels will all cooperate and bring health.
Eat anti-inflammatory foods!
Beat seasonal allergies the natural way by adding anti-inflammatory foods to your grocery list. Pineapple, which contains the enzyme known as bromelain, fish oil, and fresh ginger, are just a few that will reduce allergic reactions.
Check out a more complete list at
To read more about seasonal allergies, go to:
Use acupressure to relieve allergy symptoms!
In the 28 years that I’ve been in private practice, I’ve seen many clients who suffer from the effects of allergies, especially spring allergies. Most of them find that when they receive a Jin Shin Jyutsu session, their bodies decide to let go of the blocked energy, causing the allergens’ reactions.
Why do Jin Shin Jyutsu and acupressure work with allergy symptoms?
Our bodies are made of energy. Energy needs to flow. Conditions, illnesses, and injuries are evidence of blocked energy. Acupressure helps energy flow. It allows the body to let go of symptoms and heal.
Self-help acupressure does the trick!
Once your body notices that “it is on the other side of the progression of allergy patterns,” self-help acupressure will help you keep the re-patterning from now on. In fact, your body is reprogramming itself when you spend time helping your body experience energetic balance and harmony. And consistency is the key! So do your energy balancing daily. And since there is no such thing as too much self-help acupressure, do it as often as you think of it throughout the day!
In addition, when you hydrate, eat foods that are not inflammatory, and limit your exposure to the allergy-misery-creators, you will help your body let go of symptoms, heal, and remove the old pattern that has been saying, “I’m supposed to react to this pollen.”
Are you ready to let go of these allergy symptoms?
- Sinus congestion
- Sneezing
- Headaches
- Itchy water eyes
- Itchy throat
- A stuffy or runny nose
I have a Mother’s Day gift to relieve allergy symptoms for you and your family!
You can get a copy of the Seasonal Allergy Relief Guidebook.
It’s more than just “one energy tip”—you’ll have multiple ways to expand your breath, relieve sinus congestion, let go of headaches, and even move beyond throat dryness and ear pressure. Ready for a good night’s sleep consistently? There’s a tip for that too!
Also included in the Guidebook is the Daily Clean Your House Flow. My suggestion—do the Daily Flow at least several times a day. Use it as your foundation to create balance and harmony in your body. You will assimilate all the tips and flows in the Allergy Guidebook much faster, and notice that you are more comfortable and that your body is happier. Take note that your sleep will be much more restful and rejuvenating, so you wake up with more energy and vitality for your new day!
Boost Your Immune System!
Boost Your Immune System!
Jane, a new client, recently said, “A session with Deborah turned the tide for me! I was feeling lousy and thought I was getting a cold.”
Within a few minutes of starting our call, she felt relief from sinus pressure, headache, and achiness.
“…And then she gave me self-help acupressure flows to continue using for allergies and my Covid shot!
Those flows and energy tips keep on doing the trick, and I’ve had more energy than I’ve had in days. Now I see Deborah regularly, and my body is a lot happier with no aches and pain. I live hundreds of miles away from her, but those Zoom sessions are changing my life. I didn’t even have reactions after my second Covid vaccination!!
Deborah’s right! Boost your immune system, and your body will be happier!”
Energy balancing IS all about strengthening your immune system!
COVID brings the conversation about immune systems front and center. A stronger immune system will help you and your body resist germs and bugs, reduce allergy symptoms, potentially lessen reactions to vaccinations, and calm the nervous system.
There are healthy ways to strengthen your immune system
Harvard Health Medical School suggests that following general good-health guidelines is the best way to keep your immune system working properly. A few of the top strategies include:
- Minimize stress.
- Eat a diet high in fruits and vegetables.
- Exercise regularly
- Get adequate sleep.
- Take steps to avoid infection, such as washing your hands frequently.
You can read more about what they say at —
Harvard Health study says stress can suppress your immune system, increase your susceptibility to illness, contribute to anxiety, and cause depression.
We can’t avoid all sources of stress in our lives, nor would we want to. But we can develop healthier ways of responding to them. Harvard Health recommends that breath and relaxation can make a difference in your wellbeing.
I’d like to show you how YOU can help your body let go of stress and not have it accumulate in your system.
Self-care Practice
A self-care practice teaches your body how to take care of itself and to be healthy and vital. While doing your self-help acupressure, you are also doing the following and a lot more–expanding breath, relieving pain, having more vitality for your daily activities, managing feelings, sharpening clarity and focus, increasing creativity and productivity.
Here are self-help acupressure energy tips to boost your immune system, relieve allergies, and help you move easily through your vaccination.
- Right hand—cup right shoulder near the neck
- Left hand—hold fingers on the left chest below the collarbone
- Switch to do the other side
- Right hand—hold fingers on the right base of the skull
- Left hand—hold fingers on left base of the skull
- Right hand—cup forehead with fingers on the left side
- Left hand—cup back of head with fingers on the right base of the skull
- Switch to do the other side
- Left hand—cup right shoulder near the neck
- Right hand—hold fingers at sitz bone/hip area
- Switch to do other side
Harvard Medical Recommends
Harvard Medical identifies several techniques to help turn down your response to stress. Breath focus helps with nearly all of them:
- Progressive muscle relaxation
- Meditation
- Yoga, tai chi, and Qi Gong
- Guided imagery
Add self-help acupressure to the list!!
Read more about why Harvard Health Medical School suggests relaxation techniques to reduce stress.
Another resource on how to cope with stress during troublesome times
University of Maryland Medical System
Dr. Stephanie Knight, Chief of Psychiatry, suggests these tips to help cope with stress during troublesome times:
- Stay connected with friends and family members. It’s important to be processing your thoughts out loud, rather than keeping them close to your chest.
- Eat healthy
- Exercise regularly
- Get outside
- Get plenty of rest
- Practice mindfulness activities, such as meditation, journaling, movement, yoga, pay attention to sensations
Additional Resources to Boost Your Immune System
Get Your Free Stress Relief Guide
It’s easy and all you need is to click on this link.
Hope, Faith & Energy
Hope, Faith & Energy
Are you feeling at odds, unhappy, maybe lonely? Are you feeling overwhelmed and unsure of what you should do next to clear the to-do list? Perhaps you’re also taking care of others, and you have their feelings and needs to look after, too.
If you have all of that going on and even more “stuff,” you might experience a sense of hopelessness, feeling that it’s never going to change. And, with all of that, you’re most likely experiencing some fatigue. Dealing with it is just too much!
Look at everything that is going on in this crazy world. COVID-19, social distancing, massive civil unrest, fires or hurricanes or flooding depending on where you live, evacuations, destruction, the election. Okay. The list is already too long, especially since each one of those can create stress and anxiety and the feeling that “it’s just too much.” No wonder we hear the phrase “pandemic fatigue.”
Kids are Feeling Stressed Out
What’s sad is that children are experiencing the same stress, overwhelm, not knowing what’s coming next, frustration, and sadness. They feel exhausted by social distancing, not being with their friends, and feeling hemmed in.
How do we cope and get on the other side of it? It’s super important to help our bodies get to that place. Otherwise, our bodies will think they are in constant trauma.
Trauma Adds Stress
Trauma and the effects of trauma bring us to a place of being on edge, wary, confused, even holding our breath. Energetically, trauma causes the energy pathways to get blocked and stuck. Energy needs to move, and it needs to change. Otherwise, our bodies will manifest “projects” that can cause unhealthiness and chronic fatigue. (Instead of problems, let’s use the word projects. They’re more fun to work with, and they have a beginning and an end).
Tips for Reducing the Effects of Stress
I have some easy-to-do ideas on how to get on the other side of it all.
Number One
We can help our bodies get out of confusion and create calm. You can do easy self-help acupressure to let go of fatigue and develop physical, mental, and emotional balance. It will help you sleep easily, feel healthy, be happy and joyful, have clarity and focus, increase self-esteem, and feel optimistic about tomorrow and beyond. That’s where hope and faith come into the picture! (There’s a link at the end of the article to get you to easy self-help energy tips).
Number Two
I think we need to take Oprah’s advice that I read in her recent Inspiration Newsletter. We need to embrace hygge, the Danish art of coziness. Danes rank as the happiest people in the world, even today. How do they get to that place?

Photo by Daria Rem from Pexels
What the Danes Do to Feel Happier
The Danish make sure that several essential elements are part of their daily lives, including relaxed thoughtfulness, meditation, and time spent with others. And, yes, we can spend time with others without actual physical contact. Now more than ever, we need to create time with others that create an atmosphere that is warm, relaxed, friendly, down-to-earth, close, comfortable, snug, and welcoming. It is like a friendly hug—but without the physical contact. In this situation, you can be yourself and relax completely. Therefore, the art of hygge is also the art of expanding your comfort zone to include other people.
So, I guess we have to do it with social distancing and maybe even over Zoom. No matter what, create the time for cozy togetherness! Our bodies, hearts, and souls hunger for it!
Another significant element the Danes bring into their lives is “living lights.” They make use of candles to bring light and create sunny smiles.
Maybe this year, we need to make sure we put up those holiday lights for the color and the sparkling lights that bring those big smiles. As many of you know, I love Christmas. What I also know is that I need those lights as the days get shorter and shorter. And, even though very few people will see my Christmas extravaganza, it just might be the year it all gets displayed.
Read more about Embracing Hygge:
Hope and Change
Another piece we need to be aware of—change wants to happen, and it needs to happen. The body you walk around in is in constant flux because it’s energy. A body in energetic balance will quickly experience the change, and it will be a positive shift. The trick is to be creative in appreciating ourselves and find enjoyment within the shift. Maybe the difference is merely relishing an accomplishment.
Consider using this simple worksheet to help you see the changes that you can implement. It uses Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, which uses your mind to notice the good stuff. It focuses on behavioral changes in your daily life, for instance, tracking your emotions according to your activities. So, it’s learning how to notice when your body is giving you a message.
If you would like to learn more about behavioral-based therapy, visit the Therapist Aid website.
Your Key to Hope, Faith & Energy
To help your body thoroughly experience change and get messages, go to my website and click on the purple button, “Learn the Daily Flow.” You will receive self-help acupressure suggestions that will help your body experience balance and harmony. Included is the Daily Clean Your House Flow® and energy tips to expand the breath, let go of frustration, achieve focus, boost motivation, and increase productivity. Now, those are some changes your body will appreciate! And you are fully experiencing hope, faith, and energy. Enjoy the movement and the difference!
Relieve Stress and Anxiety Free Webinars
Free Webinar – Relieve Anxiety and Stress
Relieve Anxiety and Stress
Join me Wednesday evening the 25th at 7:00 p.m. to discover easy-to-learn and easy-to-remember ways to get ahead of anxiety and stress. Register here for the free class. And, if you can’t attend the live class, you’ll be able to receive the recording.
In this free webinar, you will learn how to find your breath, relieve stress, get better sleep, boost your immune system.
Ah(choo) Spring!
Are you sick and tired of the symptoms of allergies?
Feeling any of these symptoms:
- sinus congestion
- sneezing
- headaches
- itchy watery eyes
- itchy throat
- a stuffy or runny nose
If you are constantly dealing with any or all of those miserable symptoms, you are most likely noticing a loss of productivity. These symptoms impact sleep and vitality in a big way. Spring grasses, weeds, and tree pollen (allergens) can bring on those pesky discomforts. If you are like me, you don’t want to hide inside. You want to enjoy what Mother Nature has created for you.
3 easy ways to reduce the misery of seasonal allergies
Follow along and learn how to reduce reactivity to the pollen floating around outside.
Use acupressure to relieve allergy symptoms
Jasmine came for a Jin Shin Jyutsu session feeling uncomfortable and lousy. Swollen, weepy eyes. Her head hurt. Jasmine had intense sinus congestion. She had been doing all the right things to boost her immune system: lots of self-help acupressure flows and drinking lots of water. It seemed like an uphill battle and she was on the losing side. She left our 90-minute session in comfort and ease. She could breathe deeply. Her face was no longer puffy, and her cheekbones reappeared.
Why did Jin Shin relieve Jasmine’s allergies?
Our bodies are made of energy. Energy needs to flow. Conditions, illnesses, and injuries are evidence of blocked energy. Acupressure helps energy flow. It allows the body to let go of symptoms and heal.
Now, when Jasmine does her daily self-help acupressure, she will notice the benefits more readily. And everything else she does for herself will help her body be happier, healthier and more comfortable.
Hydration! Drink lots of water!
Allergies have a tendency to dry out our systems. It’s important to hydrate your body. Avoiding dehydration will boost your immune system and help maintain normal histamine levels. Read more about it in this article from,
Lubricate your body adequately with good fluids, including electrolytes, and all layers and levels of your body will notice the difference. Your physical, mental, emotional, and energetic levels will all cooperate with each other and bring health.
Eat anti-inflammatory foods
Beat seasonal allergies the natural way by adding anti-inflammatory foods to your grocery list. Pineapple, which contains the enzyme known as bromelain, fish oil, and fresh ginger are just a few that will reduce allergic reactions.
Check out a more complete list at
To read more about seasonal allergies go to
Got Questions about Allergies?
Leave a comment below or contact me directly.
Wishing you a beautiful and enjoyable spring without the misery of allergies!
Allergies Getting the Best of You?
All of that rain followed by heat and here comes more rain! Then pollen is released! If you have allergies, this may be a recipe for suffering.
Is your body in reaction?
You can get on the other side of it by helping your head empty the build-up. And you can potentially do it without using over-the-counter drugs. Make use of your fingertips and do a few acupressure flows!
The reason that allergies can create so much havoc is because a suppressed or depleted immune system will allow your body to react more readily to the allergens that are all around you. Build up your immune system and you can increase the chances that your body can change its pattern and not react to the allergens.
Build a strong foundation to support balance and harmony by doing the Daily Clean Your House Flow.
Here is a sneak peek of my soon to be released Seasonal Allergy Relief: The Insider’s Guide to Feeling Good Every Day.
Help your head feel lighter and provide relief for tired eyes by following this simple tip:
- Hold fingertips on the right side of your forehead with your left hand
- Then, hold fingertips at left base of your skull with your right hand
Check back soon for how to get your copy of the Insider’s Guide.
The Beauty of Spring
Spring is all about transformation. We see it all around us – the plants growing, the land changing all around us.
I love the beauty of spring colors, the emerald green of the grass and trees, the vibrant colors of the flowers and the glorious blue of the sky. I am thoroughly enjoying the scents that are permeating the air. It’s amazing to be able to smell my lilacs, citrus and jasmine all at the same time.
Our bodies are also in the mode of change. Are you feeling the shift as a boost of vitality and a greater sense of awareness? Or are you experiencing tiredness and loss of energy? If the latter is the case, you may also be experiencing allergies. It’s not unusual that they go hand in hand. But it doesn’t have to be that way!
Discover how easy it is to walk around in a body that has balance and harmony and allows you to experience all the beauty of spring. Let go of blocked energy that is creating allergies, tiredness and loss of energy by doing your energy work! It’s super easy to do the Daily Clean Your House Flow. See the nine-step self-help acupressure flow on the website and discover what difference you can make in how you feel and what you can do.