Lara, third-grade teacher

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Lara, third-grade teacher

I have eight students who struggle with paying attention and focusing. ALL of them showed improvement when we used the Daily Flow. I also noticed on days when we didn’t do it that the kids were not as focused. It especially helped one little girl excel for the first time in school!

My students really love the Daily Clean Your House Flow. They love the video, and they like knowing that they have control over their bodies. It’s a great tool that they can use at home and for the rest of their lives.

Lara Futch third-grade teacher, Santa Rosa, CA

Lara Futch

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Lara Futch

Each August when I meet a new class of students, I hope for a smooth year. I dream that my class will be cooperative and enthusiastic and have good energy as they work and learn together. After 15 years of teaching, I have come to realize that not every group of students has this naturally. Sometimes you have to work a little to create a cohesive group. When I discovered the Daily Clean Your House Flow and started using it with my students, I was surprised to find how easy and effortless it could be to create the happy, dynamic class of my dreams.

What is so special about the Daily Clean Your House Flow? It is remarkably simple, easy to use and in literally minutes a day can change the energy of a group of students. I was skeptical at first, but I have seen it work time and again for so many students and classes. I have witnessed increased focus and attention, increased cooperation and decreased management issues. My students are calm, yet enthusiastic and active learners. I have even noticed that my students experience more success at recess and PE play. Perhaps even more important is that students discover that they can control their own energy and feel empowered to use this to their advantage at school.

The Daily Clean Your House Flow is an easy way to give your students an edge in their academics, as well as a great tool for teachers to stay calm and focused. Your classroom will run more smoothly and everyone will have more fun!

Lara Futch third-grade teacher, Santa Rosa, CA



Get your copy of the six-minute Daily Clean Your House Flow animated video.

It’s my gift to you!! Click here..