Change and Resistance
Posted on October 25, 2021 by Deborah MyersCHANGE—are YOU good with it??
Do YOU resist change?
I’m seeing myself having some issues with it.
I thought I was good with change. After all—I love the excitement of adventure, which usually means that there’s a big event being planned that is bringing a smile to my face. Like a zipline or a swim with the dolphins!
But I also know that along the way, it’s not unusual I will find myself in a place of trepidation because of the “not knowing if it’s all going to be okay.”
Am I okay with change?
Then for the change of the seasons. A new love-hate relationship.
I’ve always said that I love that change. Glorious spring brings garden preparation, the phenomenal bright colors of the flowers in bloom, and the vibrant greens. Nothing much to dislike about that change, especially when I know that the garden will consistently show the benefits.
Autumn, with its time of plentiful harvest, beautiful fall colors, and cooler air, usually brings a smile to my face.
But this year I’ve been on pins and needles—the heat, dryness, and wind of the last few months have increased the uncertainties and worries over the fire season.
And we have all been wishing for rain—saying, “Just bring us some moisture!”
Well, Mother Nature listened! And we got the rain—close to ten inches of it over the last few days.
And now we’re asking for the rain to please slow down. Well, that makes sense. Sometimes we can get too much of a good thing and we feel inclined to ask for a change. Understandably so.
Change is “hard” because something new is happening
Are we ever totally okay with that thing called change?
I think it depends on what is bringing up the desire and request for the change.
Mostly—we as humans resist change, even when it means getting something we want in life. Why is that??
Resistance often comes from being in fear of something new.
Our bodies are wired to be afraid of something new, like when I was excited about fulfilling the dream of swimming with the dolphins. THAT dream was doing its best to override my old, deep fear of deep water. How on earth could that dream and that fear even live together?
The new and the fear of experiencing something unknown
Fear is an emotion that we have held dear to our hearts since childhood when we learned what we needed to do to have a sense of safety and security. That said, our brains interpret we need to hold onto the old, learned ways, and that anything new could be something that could be unsafe. (Even though the new could be an unknown safety measure we haven’t yet learned).
As humans, we run away from things that are new, even if they’re something we want or need. Here’s the clincher. If we don’t know this, we’re bound to repeat saying we want something, yet actively avoiding it repeatedly.
This is the reason we often hear (and feel) that change is hard
And that’s why it’s so darn easy to get knocked off track.
To attract what we want in our lives, we need to give up old habits and begin new ones. Sometimes we even need to change our environment to move into a whole new way of being.
Now THAT can be super hard to do! So—to open yourself up to limitless possibilities, prepare as if you are going to do something big—like swimming with the dolphins, taking a trip to a dream destination, stepping into a new relationship, creating a program for an internationally recognized humanitarian organization. Maybe you’re contemplating relocating your home. Whatever you’re thinking of, how on earth do you prepare “as if”?
Balance your body’s energy, change the environment, and allow change
Help the environment of your body change and you will more easily allow change to happen. Why? Because you will more easily attract what you want and who you want to be!
Your body is your house – it IS an environment that you live within. Balance it, bring on the harmony, and you will create more focus, clarity, and vitality that draws to you all you desire.
The following are a few energy tips to make sure your body is welcoming and allowing change:
- Do the Daily Clean Your House Flow
- Hug yourself—it shows your body that you’re all about taking care of it
- With one hand, hold your fingers at the base of your skull
- With the other hand, hold your fingers on the outside of the wrist (little finger side)
- This shows your body how to feel calm, no matter your thoughts or emotions
- Hold the outside of your knees—connect with energy balance points that are all about re-patterning, reprogramming, and allowing YOU to bring on the changes you want.
So, what IS next for you?
Are you seeing change happening in your life?
Why change is happening, whether you’re planning for it, or whether you’re feeling ready for it—you can help yourself and your body feel and be more prepared.
Let’s help you and your body discover how to process ALL of it—the preparation, the execution, and the integration.
And many of your old patterns and beliefs will let go and you will step into a whole new way of being! See your habits change! And see you and your body let go of “stuckedness” and into a state of balance and ease.

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