Serendipity and Tears
Posted on April 16, 2014 by Deborah MyersIs it serendipity or is it just a small world? I love how life can bring amazing moments that create goose bumps and make your heart feel full. I totally believe that we can easily attract what we want to receive by walking around in a body that is energetically balanced and harmonized. You’ve heard me say that or read my articles or watched my Energy of Prosperity Workshop DVD. But I have to admit that I still get beautifully surprised!
Last Saturday I attended a BAIPA meeting (Bay Area Independent Publishers Association). Judy Baker of brandvines, my awesome marketing coach who creates systems to get my word out and consistently makes me look good, told me I needed to attend both the meeting and the workshop. She was right one more time! The guest speaker was Joan Stewart, aka The Publicity Hound, who spoke about creating your own publicity and the fabulous tools that are available to do so.
I’m sitting in the room, listening to everyone introduce themselves when I realize that the next person is going to be Barbara Hyde, my very dear friend from college. I’ve seen her a few times in the past forty years, but we had lost touch. I hadn’t seen her for at least fifteen years. I had no idea that she had just moved back to San Francisco. Then, I looked around the room and there she was! I couldn’t say anything to her at the moment because she needed to be focused for her introduction. I sat there for another forty-five minutes as the microphone went around the room. When it was my turn I didn’t dare look at her because I knew I would burst into tears of joy.
As I sat down our eyes met and the smiles were huge. You can imagine the hugs and laughter that followed. And, of course, there were tears. I had to tell Barbara that my husband, Randy, had died three years ago. That was not an easy conversation. She was the person who introduced me to Randy one month before we were graduated from college.
So here we are in Northern California, back in touch, spending time together, catching up and feeling blessed that life can bring such beautiful moments. I am indeed blessed and feel very lucky that the people in my world help create magical moments. Thank you Judy and Joan for being a part of the serendipity. And thank you, Barbara, for bringing me to tears!

- Serendipity and Tears - April 16, 2014
- Spring is here! - April 6, 2014